Cameroon Young African Leadership Conference

On June 17-22, 2013, The Council of Young African Leaders in New York City are partnering with the African Economical and Financial Club of Cameroon for the 2013 Cameroon Young African Leadership Conference to be held in Douala. The conference will be collaboration with local businesses, organizations and groups.

The Council of Young African Leaders is an organization whose vision is to inspire the next generation of Africans leaders by challenging their ideas and thoughts in appreciation of Africa’s diversity. Based in New York City, the organization was founded in 2011 by young Africans with the mission to cultivate leadership from awareness to Action by connecting young Africans to programs that promote cultural awareness, networking, and economic development in Africa.

The organization has been successful in putting together two annual conferences in New York with more 300 attendees, and several other programming that aims at training young Africans on the value of building business and marketing skills ; and the art of volunteerism.

The 2013 Cameroon Young African Leadership Conference is aimed for four objectives :

1. Provide a week long training activities for youth on professionalism, internship,
volunteerism and the value of marketing their skills.
2. Cultivate a mentorship relationship between professionals in both public and private sectors with young professionals who are either graduating, or have graduated from
3. Connect Young professionals to organizations and companies through a job fair.
4. Encourage participants to come up with a project that they can work on together, being
kept accountable by the organizing organizations.

The African Economical and Financial Club will be the main planning body on the ground in
Douala, with The Council of Young African Leaders providing the training materials and
marketing capabilities for the conference.

Basic Agenda:

Registration and Town hall Meeting:
Address the following questions:
– Why is African youth important?
– How can African youth improve Africa’s growth?
– How can African youth face globalization?
– Can Cameroonian youth rise above their challenges to become assets to their

TUESDAY 18th: Training DAY 1
Part 1: Transitioning from School to career
– The sources
– The Consequences
– The Solutions
– Building your resume
Part two: Starting your own business:
– Life skills vs Leaderships Skills in Business
– Developing SMART goals and executing them

WEDNESDAY 19th: Training Day 2
Part One: Civic engagement
– The Value of Internships/ Professional Training and Volunteering
Part two: Starting your own Business
– Participants are encouraged to bring with them business ideas, and they will be
provided with advice on how to get started to develop and market their ideas.

THURSDAY 20th: Training Day 3
Part one: Becoming Assertive
– Learning the power of a negotiation and cooperation
Part 2: Job Fair
– Local organizations, businesses and corporations will be invited to scout for potential
employees, interns, and volunteers

FRIDAY 21st: Panel Discussions and Gala: AFRICAN YOUTH AND EMERGENCY
The Speakers and participants will rally around the following questions:
– The role of public sector in Cameroon’s emergence
– The role of private sector in Cameroon in youth development
– The role of informal sector in Cameroon

The conference will be one not to miss and promises to be a start of a greater collaboration
between the youth in Cameroon with those in the African Diaspora.

Facebook : Le Club de l’économie et de la Finance Africaine