10 Afro lifestyle magazines you should be reading right now

10 Afro lifestyle magazines you should be reading right now

It’s official we are very fond of lists, who wouldn’t be? It takes only one glance to get the gist of whatever the article is about. I was told  it has to do with the way our brain process the flow of informations.

In any case, this instalment of our “top ten” series is on afro lifestyle/fashion magazines. When we talk about magazines, names such as Vogue, Instyle, Bazaar, Elle, Cosmopolitan or Essence should immediately pop up to your mind or at least ring a bell. In the same vain, when we think about afro lifestyle magazines, some, if not , all of the magazines listed below should come to your mind. If not, here is your chance to get acquainted with them.

Note that this list is in no specific order:

Glitz AFrica


I am loving Yvonne Nelson and her fabulous Black dress. This is how the magazine is described on Facebook:

Glitz Africa Magazine is an exciting high End celebrity/ lifestyle/ Fashion magazine

Fab Magazine


At FAB Magazine, Nollywood was clearly being celebrated in the last edition, Rita Dominic is stunning. A quick search on the About page of their website and voila! Meet Fab Magazine.

FAB Magazine is an International fashion and lifestyle quarterly with 80% African, 20% international content that brings together all things FABulous, African and Black from the world of fashion, lifestyle, entertainment and art. Unisex with a male and female cover in each issue and content in two separate flip-over sections, FAB Magazine boasts content for both men and women of any age who are fashion-forward, style-savvy trendsetters of their generation both in Africa and around the world.

Genevieve Magazine


Who doesn’t know this magazine really? But just in case you don’t, see below a little overview of what Genevieve magazine is all about:

GENEVIEVE MAGAZINE is “a complete lifestyle guide and best friend, inspiring wholesomeness globally in all women” and the men in their lives. It debuted in February 2003 to a wide acclaim by the reading public.



Voici un des rares magazines disponible aussi bien en Français qu’en anglais. Alors, pourquoi ne pas faire son introduction en Français. L’équipe de rédaction vous parle du concept derrière le magazine.

FASHIZBLACK est à mi-chemin entre deux courants. Du Street Wear aux tendances issues des podiums, des conseils aux problématiques liées à l’industrie de la mode, on y trouve du tout. FASHIZBLACK s’adresse en priorité aux personnes qui assument à la fois leurs racines afro-caribéennes et leur intérêt pour la culture dite occidentale. Notre question ultime est donc : ARE YOU FASHIZBLACK ?

Dream Wedding Magazine


Because an African wedding is not a true one without the African touch. They said it all on their website :

 Dream Wedding is a stylish and refined wedding guide, presented as a perfect-bound matt bi-annual magazine designed to be a resource for brides and grooms to-be, to help them plan the happiest day of their lives. The magazine aims to offer advice, tips and ideas, on wedding planning. In addition, it will serve as a directory for wedding vendors in Ghana and abroad. Dream Wedding Magazine will also offer lots of new and fresh ideas to help you create your perfect wedding.



LA MODE’ is a fashion magazine that is out to wow readers on a quarterly basis with so much exciting topics and interesting designs from fabulous designers.We are out to make statement in the fashion world with our unique articles and packaging in place. Our image will clue our readers into what ‘’LA MODE’’ magazine is all about and make our brand more recognized locally and Internationally. Our aim is to maintain a certain image, not only will we be recognized but we will also be in the mind of our readers (which, for us, is the most important thing!) It is not just about fashion. It is about wearing your statement on your sleeve.

New African Woman Magazine

69670_10152424822120058_1701889868_n 555610_10151825543252092_1223645908_nHere is another bilingual magazine. Paris is home to the french version, while London is home to the english version. What is the mission of the magazine? Hear it from the editor-in-chief herself:

To inspire rather than impose;

To expertly advise rather than dictate;

To tastefully portray our diverse beauty, rather than cheapen it!



I think this one does not need any introduction. Amina has been around for 40 years, I am pretty sure you have heard about it.

Fashion Ghana


What is FashionGHANA?

Simply, Fashion = Fashion …and GHANA = Glamorous Home-grown African Nutured Attire.

So expect fashion trend and style setting news, and gossip from in and around Africa in what’s what. What’s In! What’s On! What’s Up and most of all, What’s in style. No more wondering how to get hold of that dress, or who is that designer, or where can I find a good photographer. All that we ever needed is right here on Fashion GHANA.

Arise Magazine


On Arise Magazine Facebook page, one can read :

ARISE is Africa’s first international lifestyle brand. Highlighting African achievement in fashion, music, culture and politics.

Happy reading!