Iheartmyhair : Love the Hair you’re in

Aujourd’hui découvrez iHEARTmyhair un site web éducationnel et un mouvement révolutionnaire basé sur l’entraide des femmes et des filles pour aimer et apprécier le point le plus haut de soi, leur couronne : leurs cheveux. En effet nous quand on aime, on partage.


Articulated: My Interview with Shannon Teresa

A candid conversation with Shannon Teresa Boodram with regard to her beef with the natural hair community. Just a couple of weeks ago Shannon posted a link on Instagram which directed me to a missive she had written that was subsequently featured on NaturallyCurly. Upon reading her Instagram post which entailed the words: “My beef with the Natural Hair Community,” as the Editor of the natural hair blog IHeartMyHair, I knew I had to find out what was cooking.

Lire la suite sur http://www.iheartmyhair.com/articulated-interview-shannon-teresa-boodram-response-beef-natural-hair-community/

How to Moisturize Natural Hair

Is your hair dry and in desperate need of hydration?  If you think dumping a bunch of oils on your hair at night or in the morning before you exit your home and believe that you’re giving your hair moisture. I have news for you — Oils DO NOT hydrate your hair.  So join this challenge, learn and experience how to properly moisturize naturally, curly, kinky, coily hair.

Lire la suite : http://www.iheartmyhair.com/hydration-challenge-get-your-moisture-on/

Brazilian Keratin Product Discriminates Against 

Racist or not? The situation: A Brazilian Keratin Treatment company called Cadiveu thought that their exposition was a big hit at a Beauty Fair event.  The Hair Show attendees were asked to take a picture with an Afro wig, while holding a plaque that says, “I need Cadiveu“.

Lire la suite : http://www.iheartmyhair.com/brazilian-keratin-product-discriminates-against-afro-hair/

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