5 infographics to understand the Internet

image 60seconds internet

See this INFOGRAPHIC to understand what happens on the Internet every 60 seconds.

Did You Know That – In 60 SECONDS

Search engine Google serves more that 694,445 queries

  • 6,600+ pictures are uploaded on Flickr
  • 70 New domains are registered
  • 168,000,000+ emails are sent
  • 320 new accounts and 98,000 tweets are generated on Social Networking site Twitter
  • iPhone applications are downloaded more than 13,000 times
  • 600 videos are uploaded on YouTube videos, amounting to 25+ hours of content
  • 695,000 status updates, 79,364 wall posts and 510,040 comments are published on Social Networking site Facebook
  • 20,000 new posts are published on Micro-blogging platform tumblr
  • Popular web browser FireFox is downloaded more than 1700 times
  • 100+ questions are asked on Answers.com
  • 1 new article is published on Associated Content, the world’s largest source of community-created content
  • 1 new definition is added on UrbanDictionary.com
  • Popular blogging platform WordPress is downloaded more than 50 times
  • WordPress Plugins aredownloaded more than 125 times
  • 100 accounts are created on professional networking site LinkedIn
  • 1,200+ new ads are created on Craigslist
  • 370,000+ minutes of voice calls done by Skype users
  • 13,000+ hours of music streaming is done by personalized Internet radio provider Pandora.