Labo Ethnik Fashion Weekend Photo Diary


Hey loves!! Last weekend was the very expected Labo Ethnik Fashion Week-end in Paris !

I was pretty excited to attend the 8th edition of this 3-day event. Especially for the new location choice which was the Cite de la Mode & du Design, iconic place where lots of designers come during Fashion Week and other major fashion events.
Ufortunately this time I was only able to attend the opening runway party and a little bit of the exhibition / sale part.

I came a along my best friend and a blogger friend. The place was crowded so they had 2 shows so that as many people could see it.
The show was very interesting mainly for its designers and pieces choices. Lots of trendy and modern clothes mixed with traditional codes and excellent technique.
I also really like the versatility and diversity of the show. African, Caribbean, Asian and European cultures were represented from the clothes to the models which is rare nowadays.

Check out the pictures I took of the runway and the visitors who got fashion game on top.

The Labo Ethnik exhibition was born in 2007 when its founder, Yvette Taï-Coquillay, had the will to find fashion designers coming from the five continents to reveal them on the Parisian scene. Newcomers and more experienced designers can make the most of the event thanks to an expression platform and a showcase in the middle of Paris, capital city of fashion.

Open to an audience composed of professionals (buyers and journalists) and individuals fond of pieces of exception, the Labo Ethnik is an accelerator of trends and growth and a real springboard for these “in the shadow” talents.
Avant-gardist and trends’ sniffer, the Labo Ethnik Fashion & Lifestyle show opens, in 2014, its universe to interior designers, allowing them to have a rare and unique visibility. In the meantime, the exhibition increases the opportunities of exchanges and transfer of knowledge through some conferences run by fashion and business experts, reinforcing its vocation to inspire and develop business.”