Nos coups de coeur de la Lagos Fashion and Design Week 2013


La Lagos Fashion and Design Week s’est tenue du 23 au 26 octobre 2013!


Officiellement dénommée la Guaranty Trust Bank Lagos Fashion et Design Week (GTBank LFDW), cette dernière a pour but de réunir designers, acheteurs et clients au coeur de la capitale de la mode nigérienne. Au programme : défilé de mode, marché proposant des vêtements et accessoires artisanaux, plateforme permettant aux participants de faire du networking, remise de prix dont les : GTBank LFDW Young Designer 2013 Award par MTN et le British Council LFDW International Fashion Entrepreneur 2013.

The Lagos Fashion and Design Week was held from October, the 23rd to 26th! 

Officially named the Guaranty Trust Bank Lagos Fashion and Design Week (GTBank LFDW), its goal is to gather designers, buyers and customers in the heart of the fashion capital of Nigeria! At the menu : runway shows featuring new season collections from the best talents in the fashion industry, exhibition marketplace featuring fashion products, textiles and accessories on display and for sale, workshops and master classes which facilitate knowledge transfer, information exchange and networking opportunities across board, and LFDW Awards featuring GTBank LFDW Young Designer of The Year Award by MTN and British Council LFDW International Fashion Entrepreneur of The Year Award!

Zoom sur nos collections préférées :

Samson Shoboye

Christie Brown

Wana Sambo

Kola Kuddus

Valerie David

Sunny Rose


Crédits photos: Kola Oshalusi (Insigna).