I like it when it Rains Review

I like it when it Rains Review

“Eruption. She said let’s free fall into volcanoes” it should be said, this post is Rated R. Are you wondering what am talking about? Read.

I kiss her thru the storms
and lift her thru the “all”
i gotta see my future in her hips
see tonight in her thighs
taste tomorrow on her lips
see yesterday in her eyes
The one (Komplex)

I know the code, and he only opens when I knock. Mr. Keep On Moving (KoM) had me… Well what’s the word? Hot and humid? Well there was that warm feeling as I read every word of his mini book “I like it when it rains”, it was particularly exciting to me because although it is a collection of erotic poems, it isn’t down right nasty and raunchy, in fact to my ears it is rhythmic poetry. Every word conjures up an image that is related to everyday life with a hint of sexual pleasure in it. It is music to my ears.

See if my man was telling me all these things late at night spooning in the couch, I would be all tingly and perhaps it would be raining down there – in fact am pretty sure it would be pouring…

I’ve been on the other side of the rain
Racing to get to you
Sorry I’m late
I’m here now so let your hair down
Let me see you
Dressed in nothing but confidence”(Komplex)

Yes am all dressed in confidence waiting for my man, simple words that could mean anything, but to me all I read is a naked truth, all I hear is that he wants me again after the rain. And who doesn’t like when it rains? This is Nina Mayers, and I approve this message. This is definitely a NAKED truth, literally.

Mr. Keep on Moving Past Limitations Exceeding eXpectations (KOMPLEX) – has something going for himself, not only is he very easy on the eyes (yes ladies, I have found you some interesting new eye candy) but his voice is just enough to calm any woman or rather make any woman pour. You don’t believe me? Have a listen here:

Tell me how you feel about erotic poetry? Because if you thought this was about rain, as in that condensation and shit then log off…. I’ve always had mixed feelings about “erotic writing” and perhaps if you are under 18 you need to go play in the rain or something.

Just like all things sex, erotic poetry can make for some excellent ‘fore play’ and yes, women actually enjoy and love fore play – you will always get rewarded; believe me. So here is a suggestion, the next time you want to impress and relax her, why don’t you tell her after a candle lit dinner that:

You need to get on your knees and kiss bet between her needs,
So deep and passionateshe moans and breathes in three different languages.(Komplex)

Do it in your most sensual voice…. And then tell me if she doesn’t melt in your arms… Remember I want to hear about it so email me. And if you want some more inspiration or you just want to read some more Komplex then QUICK, email freebies@mrkeeponmoving.com for your very own copy of any of his mini books. I know this was suppose to be a review, but isn’t it obvious that I enjoyed it so much? And I want you to do the same.

Nims out.

Oh oh, before I forget I spoke to KoM (yeah we tight like that) and he had this to say about his next book:

My new book “the NxT book” talks about how your exes affect you, your present and your future. We all have exes and we all are an ex to someone. Reflecting on your exes. At least all the ones you are willing to acknowledge. See any patterns ? What was the biggest lesson any of your exes taught you….about yourself ? Whether you are Thankful, or professionally single, you have your exes to thank or blame.”The NxT book” is an honest look back in a clever capsule. A very short and sweet read…if you have a taste for the truth

So get a copy of his current books and be on the look out for the next ones, because I Nina Mayers believes he is all about “the Naked Truth”.