Saatchi online : your quick fix for emerging Art


Location location location they said. In fact do you know where two ice cream trucks should install their establishment on a beach? If you answered as far as possible, take the way to school.

Economic theory say if prices and quality remain, customers will always move to the nearest dealer, regardless of its position. It is therefore optimal for them to be side by side. This theory is called Hotelling. It is a bit more complex than that but you get the idea.

This very intuition explains the reason many web projects grouped products of various brands. But why should he / she not only sells its product on its website ? He / she will lose money by mixing with others. Nothing further from the truth because once your targeted preferences, for example the need for ice, regroup offer will increase demand.

Want a practical example ? I’ll tell you the last time that happened to me to question the relevance to regroup. I was looking for British artists under the Black History Month (held in October this side of the Atlantic). After a fruitless search, I discovered that the famous contemporary art galleries London Saatchi has developed an online platform. The goal : Discover art. Get discovered.

Some young artists in the UK have understood the ice trick. So they join forces to be more appealing to people hunt for art online at By registering on the site, they increase their chances of being noticed by people seeking to emerging art. Their works are exhibited on the online platform in order to be discovered. I must admit that it is rather successful . Firstly because the site is eclectic in its range : Abstract, Collage, Drawing , Nude, Photography, Pop Art , Portrait etc. But also because there’s some pretty cool ideas as Collections that are selected by the artists and a member of the Saatchi community.

Honestly, I have not really found what I was looking for on Saatchi online. But I came across some great piece worth sharing so please enjoy my top 5.

Miracle, Isaac Pascal United Kingdom
Isaac Pascal
United Kingdom
People want to have a good time Susana Mata Spain
People want to have a good time
Susana Mata
black woman Enrico Varrasso Canada
black woman
Enrico Varrasso
Jimmy Vasco Torres Portugal
Vasco Torres
metiss'age Philippe Briade Belgium
Philippe Briade