Top 10 Lead Ghallywood Actors

Top Ten Lead Ghallywood Actors 11

After the Top 10 Nollywood actors and actresses and the top  lead Ghallywood actresses, here is the latest instalments on the Top 10 series. Our Top 10 Ghallywood ,sometimes refers also as Ghollywood, actors . The same rules, as in the other lists, apply here.

The think with Ghallywood is that only couples of actors are known beyond Ghana’s borders, meaning they are not that international. They may be known locally but if I, from Senegal, haven’t heard of them, then they are not that well-known, right? Meanwhile, some ( one or two) ghallywood actors have achieved the superstar’s level.

A quick reminder of the selection criteria:

  • Versality
  • Popularity at home and abroad
  • Number of movies done since the 2010s
  • Number of awards won or nominated ( I mostly looking for the Africa Movie Academy Award, Africa’s biggest, most prestigious and most credible awards for the African film industry at par with similar events across the world)

Who has made it to the top ten lead actors of the game right now, check out the list below:

A quick reminder that this list is in no specific order.

    Majid Michel


Majid is the son of a Lebanese father and a Ghanaian mother. Majid Michel received a nomination for Best Actor in a Leading Role at the African Movie Academy Awards in 2009 and in 2012 he won the African Movie Academy Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role.

I think everyone has agreed that Majid is the best of the best of the best of the young  African actors at the moment. I have seen him in various roles and, every single time it is quite a shock to see so much raw talent. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that the guy is handsome.